Leaving the Ladder W/Dustin Hogate
Leaving the Ladder is my way of teaching lessons I have learned and continue to learn on my journey as an Entrepreneur. This is paired with the newsletter Leaving the Ladder.
Im leaving the ladder down for those who want to go where I have gone, offering a roadmap and insights of my path building companies that have done millions of dollars a year in sales and services.
Leaving the Ladder W/Dustin Hogate
How to change the man in the mirror - W/Mike Claudio | Ep 005
If you are a man and found yourself falling short of who YOU KNOW you can be and should be, this episode is for you.
I have been there and it's painful...
Three years ago I hired Mike's company, WinRate Consulting, because I was struggling with my ability to operate my business effectively.
But that was a mask, covering the real problem which was the man behind the decisions that needed work so it would be possible to get business on track.
Working with Mike as a coach was a turning point for me and I have a level of respect for him that very few men have earned.
Mikes Links:
Leaving the Ladder podcast is a companion to the leaving the ladder newsletter.
Leaving the Ladder Links:
Join the LTL Newsletter: 👉 dustinhogate.com
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